Leicestershire Innovation Board

Building a national profile for Innovative Leicestershire


Leicestershire Innovation Board is made up of senior leaders from across business, research, and university enterprise.

Reporting to the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership, it had completed the MIT REAP program and forged an exciting innovation strategy for the region.

But it had no brand.


1284 developed Innovative Leicestershire.

The brand has a unique identity - underpinned by brand guidelines and tone of voice - to speak across an ecosystem ranging from social entrepreneurs to university spinouts.

This gave the Innovation Board something to start communicating on a national level, with 1284 leading a string of multi-agency strategic comms projects.

This included building the region’s innovation work through the LEP Network, Innovate UK, an overhauled Innovation Festival and more.

Pictures by Will Johnston for Innovative Leicestershire.



New brochure website launched


Visit from the CEO of Innovate UK


New nominations gained for sold-out Leicestershire Innovation Awards


Sponsorship secured through new partner package offer

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