Enterprise Zones

Setting out the success story of Midlands enterprise zones


Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) funded a document to evaluate the impact of Enterprise Zones (EZs) in Leicester and Leicestershire over a 10-year period.

A detailed analysis focusing on jobs, business growth, and the influence of EZs on the local economic landscape was produced.

Officers wrote a detailed analysis focusing on jobs, business growth, and the influence of EZs on the local economic landscape.

The text also provided summaries of lessons learned and future ambitions for the EZ programme.


1284 was commissioned to transform the written document into an engaging report for distribution among senior regional stakeholders.

We engaged with various stakeholders and comms partners to gather images, maps, data tables, and a number of brand packs.

We then organised a flat plan to lay out the written content prepared by officers in a clear, consistent way.

Editing was combined with strong graphic design to make the success story of regional EZs easy to follow for all readers.

The pack was provided on high resolution PDFs for ease of use in print or digital.

1284 also hosted an online flipbook version of the report.

The product was delivered to deadline and to budget, being shared widely between partners and leading to further commissions.

Read an online version of the report here.



Pages of economic growth data visualised


Versions provided - print and digital


Copies sent to local authority leaders, MPs, and senior business partners


Minute average read time

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