Rykneld Homes manages around 7,600 publicly-owned properties in North East Derbyshire.
It also owns 140 homes of its own as a Registered Provider of Social Housing.
It is one of the largest employers in its area.
Rykneld Homes has high customer satisfaction and a strong relationship with its accountable body, North East Derbyshire District Council.
It wanted to build on this, amplifying its work with partners on delivery of safe, affordable, and sustainable homes.
1284 was commissioned to provide corporate communications and PR support.
We worked with officers to develop a strategic comms plan. This aligned with a fresh Business Plan which we helped edit and design.
We then delivered a series of tactical interventions.
The purpose of these was to develop consistent B2B message and brand collateral which could be utilised across all available platforms, projects, and stakeholder contact points.
This was achieved through development of internal comms collateral including impact reporting, slide decks, and social media campaigns.
1284 also established local and trade media relations to support increased thought leadership.
Pictures by Beth Walsh for Rykneld Homes.
Business Plan edited and designed
National housing industry award won
Set of brand guidelines codified
Media mentions in first year
1284 Communications on panel for Charnwood business event
Amy Orton
1284 earns Fair Payment Code Gold recognition
Lauren Cropper
Our monthly newsletter is an easy read. It offers you a five minute glimpse into everything comms - from how journalists operate to why certain metrics are a waste of your time.
Advanced Technology Innovation Centre (ATIC)
5 Oakwood Drive
LE11 3QF
Company number 12756354